Life isn't about having fun and living in the moment, it is about leaving a legacy so that you can never be forgotten.

Journal Scribbles

12 January 2017:  DECISIONS

So I am pondering this at the moment .....
Why does one suddenly stop, pause or just stumble in a moment in time and get an overwhelming sense of .... what am I doing here?  Why am I doing this?  What the hell?  And those questions just stay, just linger, keep nagging, just don't go away.  And the one prevailing thought that keeps nagging you is ..... something needs to change.

So why do we reach this point in our life?  Do we get bored or restless.... has life just settled into a pattern of routine which is making us bored and discontented .  

Or is there a bigger picture, something that has been missed in all the activity, pressure and stress of life around us.  Something that is present and real, but we don't actually see or recognise for what it is.  Something that is making us unhappy....

I think there comes a time in one's life, when you do come to a sudden stop, when your feet get rooted to the ground - when maybe it is time to stop and evaluate life and decide.  You are the only person who knows what your life should be about. We all have one life to live.  So are we living it as we should??  And it not, are we brave enough to change it??  

7 January 2017:  THE LINE IN THE SAND

I have drawn my line in the sand ..... I have come to that place in time where my willingness to compromise my happiness ends and it's not negotiable.  I now have reached the point in my life when I want more of what matters most to me and what makes me happy.

Why it happens at a particular time in your life - is difficult to define.  It is that moment when something breaks loose inside.  When something deep in your gut changes.  When something stops us in our tracks and we realise that something has to change.

The time has come:  
To recognise what I want this year, make the decision, own it .... and back it up with massive action.

3 January 2017:  IT IS ALL ABOUT BALANCE

I don't do resolutions at the start of the new year.  But every year I choose a word to define the year ahead. I find it helps to keep me focused on getting the best out of the each day. For 2017 my word is BALANCE.  This year I want the point of balance in my life.  It seems like life has been out of control - whirling around me for the last  few years, sucking me into hectic spinning vortex of crazy activity, then spitting me out drained and exhausted, but ever mindful that just one step is needed to put me right back into that spinning vortex.  

So this year, I want to be a balanced self.  And a balanced self lives a balanced life - a balance of work, play, family, friends, love and me-time. And that balance can only be achieved if I myself wish it, control it and action it.

1 January 2017: IT BEGINS

First day of a brand new new year;  a brand new start;  a beautiful blank new page.  An opportunity for a new start which is what I intend to do with my blog.  My blog has been lying dormant for more than a year now and it is now time to start following my heart and do the writing that I have been dreaming of for so long.  

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